About Us

who are we?

Our team consists of two goal scorer and a woman supporter (no less passionate about football!). In fact, a truly goalscorer (has the scent of goal), the other chose to switch sides: he avoids goals now instead of doing them.

and the artilheiroPro?

One of ours goalscorers (who has the scent of goal) controlled his goals for some time in spreadsheets and charts. Besides the difficulty in updating this spreadsheet was hidden in the darkness of your computer. However, this spreadsheet was that the idea of artilheiroPro: all scorers in Brazil and the world can register, manage, monitor and share your goals with your friends.

and the company?

The 4cis Sistemas is a very young and innovative start-up. Our current focus is web solutions and mobile devices. Learn more about the company and other projects by visiting our blog: www.4cis.com.br.

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